Compre sua Canivete Borboleta ★ | Massacre (Testada em Campo) com segurança no maior marketplace de skins P2P do Brasil. Na, além de vender seus itens, é possível comprar skins de CS2 mais baratas, com preço abaixo de mercado.
This is a custom-designed balisong, commonly known as a butterfly knife. The defining characteristic of this weapon is the fan-like opening of a freely pivoting blade, allowing rapid deployment or concealment. As a result, butterfly knives are outlawed in many countries. It has been painted in a zebra-stripe pattern with aluminum and chrome paints with various reflectivities, and has then been covered with a tomato red candy coat. Valeria doesn't pay Javier to ask questions... she pays him to pry out answers
Tipo: Knives; Pattern: Slaughter; Raridade: Covert; Pintura: 59; PaintSeed: 338.