Compre sua Cápsula de Autógrafos dos Campeões do Rio 2022 com segurança no maior marketplace de skins P2P do Brasil. Na Dashskins.gg, além de vender seus itens, é possível comprar caixas, e outras skins de CS2 mais baratas, com preço abaixo de mercado.
This capsule contains a single Paper, Glitter, Holo, or Gold sticker autographed by one of the Champions players at Rio 2022. 50% of the proceeds from the sale of this capsule support the included players and organizations. That sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon.
Tipo: undefined.