Compre sua SCAR-20 | Esmeralda (Nova de Fábrica) com segurança no maior marketplace de skins P2P do Brasil. Na, além de vender seus itens, é possível comprar skins de CS2 mais baratas, com preço abaixo de mercado.
The SCAR-20 is a semi-automatic sniper rifle that trades a high rate of fire and powerful long-distance damage for sluggish movement speed and big price tag. This memento from Chinatown has been painted with a chrome base coat and candied in transparent emerald anodized effect paint. This is what the great Sebastien Hennequet has been reduced to? A nagging school marm? What happened to you... - The Teacher and The Iconoclast Part 2
Tipo: Rifles; Coleção: The Alpha Collection; Pattern: Emerald; Raridade: Restricted; Pintura: 196; PaintSeed: 2.
The Alpha Collection