Compre sua USP-S (Lembrança) | Azul Real (Testada em Campo) com segurança no maior marketplace de skins P2P do Brasil. Na, além de vender seus itens, é possível comprar skins de CS2 mais baratas, com preço abaixo de mercado.
A fan favorite from Counter-Strike Source, the Silenced USP Pistol has a detachable silencer that gives shots less recoil while suppressing attention-getting noise. It has been painted solid colors in indigo, crimson and grey. You should smile Felix, you'd have more luck with the ladies if you didn't look like such a dour bastard all the time - Imogen, Arms Dealer In Training
Tipo: Pistols; Coleção: The Cobblestone Collection; Pattern: Royal Blue; Raridade: Industrial Grade; Pintura: 332; PaintSeed: 677.
The Cobblestone Collection
Royal Blue
Industrial Grade