Compre sua CZ75-Auto (StatTrak™) | Teia Rubra (Testada em Campo) com segurança no maior marketplace de skins P2P do Brasil. Na, além de vender seus itens, é possível comprar skins de CS2 mais baratas, com preço abaixo de mercado.
A fully automatic variant of the CZ75, the CZ75-Auto is the ideal short-term choice for turning the tables and gaining your opponents weapon. But with very little ammo in the magazine, strong trigger discipline is required. It has been painted using a spider web-patterned hydrographic over a red base coat and finished with a semi-gloss topcoat. Be careful where you walk, you never know where the web is spread
Tipo: Pistols; Coleção: The Arms Deal 3 Collection; Pattern: Crimson Web; Raridade: Mil-Spec Grade; Pintura: 12; PaintSeed: 609.
The Arms Deal 3 Collection
Crimson Web
Mil-Spec Grade